Happy New Year
Written on December 31, 2022 by Dmytro Galitsky (melles1991)
Happy New Year!
Dear community! Last year I wished: “Let the New Year bring peace and health to the world.”. As you noticed, this did not happen. Therefore, I wish all of you that your dreams come true, all your hopes come true.
Achievements of the 2022
Unfortunately, the year turned out to be very difficult. There is a war in my country, but this did not stop me. Over the past year, the Chidori Kernel has been optimized as much as possible. And the Exodus OS project was relaunched together with @Sensei-Developer, so far the firmware is available on Redmi 7 and Redmi Note 11.
Future plans
I plan to add support for new devices to Exodus OS, as well as continue to develop the Cidori Kernel.
Thank you for your support and Happy New Year again!
Yours Dmytro Galitsky